Life Transition Counseling

Change is a part of life that will always remain constant and unavoidable.

Most people have experienced a significant change in their lives, whether positive or negative.

Working with Jen Simmons

Positive life changes can include starting a new job, getting married, having children, becoming empty-nesters, going to college, and moving to a different state just to name a few.

Negative life changes could include losing a job, losing a loved one, the ending of a relationship, or an unexpected health diagnosis.

Some people handle life transitions with ease, but other people may feel like their entire world has fallen apart. During those rough times, there could be emotional discomfort, mourning, fear, depression, anxiety, or an overall feeling of being overwhelmed.

Therapy can help with life transitions by offering healthy coping mechanisms and a place to process the emotions surrounding the circumstances.

The primary goal of life transition counseling is to help you get through the emotionally taxing life changes that are happening by using an integrated strengths-based approach. Some of the strategies used include preparing for future transitions.

If dealing with an unexpected transition these strategies can help lighten the initial shock of the change while allowing hope for the future.

“What would it be like if I could accept life-accept this moment-exactly as it is?”
~ Tara Brach

Some strategies for dealing with a life transition include:

  • Accepting change as a part of life
  • Working to remain positive
  • Identifying and expressing feelings
  • Reframing thoughts
  • Managing stress
  • Managing expectations
  • Establishing healthy routines
  • Learning how to engage in social interaction and support
  • Slowly learning benefits of change

Ready to Get Started?

I offer therapy services virtually through my teletherapy portal.